untold secrets

a warriors rp

▸secrets, secrets, leave such marks...secrets, secrets, must come out of the dark.

important information

CONTENTS | How to join, some info, prefixes & names, general rulesYou must submit an intro into the #greetings channel to get access to the server; this is mostly to prevent bots, spam, &/or inactive accounts.
To ensure you've read them, codes / keywords are hidden in the general rules and RP Guidelines. Once you find them, simply comment in the general chat saying so, and a mod or admin will place you into a private channel to receive them. Your hints: two are in the gen rules, one is in the RP rules.
To help keep everyone brushed up on the Warriors' mannerisms and common slang, you can read these in Warriors Etiquette.
Culture, traditions, camps concept art, daily tasks / missions, & common prey/predators or threats can be found in each clans' info channel; these are the first channel under each category.

G e n e r a l ✦ R u l e s

these can be found in the Discord, as well.
1. Be considerate | If someone is uncomfortable by a particular topic & kindly asks you to stop, do not disregard them. The general chats should be at most “PG-13” - keep swearing minimal, “semi-family-friendly” etc - & scream-into-the-void is for more sensitive venting purposes.
2. Respect Privacy | respect your & others’ privacy. What you share is ultimately at your discretion – but don’t pressure others into giving info, & don’t allow others to pressure you. DM an admin/mod for assistance if necessary. Follow Discord's rules3. "The Dirt Place" | In the general public chat, it is expected you be courteous & mindful of others, specifically in age. However, for dirt-place, the required age is eighteen (18) or older & intended for simply more adult-y discussion. Topics may be a bit more mature, however, any sexual topics are not allowed. ↟ *while most other topics are fine, the need for it here doesn’t really exist *4. OOC Drama | otherwise known as out-of-character drama. people will have misunderstandings, & it’s easy to misinterpret the message behind text. The third code is the truth comes out. Or maybe someone says something that upsets you. That’s ok! But please don’t bring it into the rp or chats. This is meant to be a chill & fun space. Handle conflicts, issues & so on privately. If you’d like an admin’s assistance, ask & we can help organize some direction to resolving the matter5. Golden Rule | harassment, bullying, transphobia, homophobia, ableism, sexism, racism, & discrimination of any kind will NOT be tolerated. If it’s become clear that you are blatantly making comments that fall under any of the above, you will be kicked.
This server shouldn’t ever be the grounds to encourage harmful words &/or behaviors.
bottom line: you don’t have to be friendly or bubbly, but you should be respectful. Be nice, don't interact, or leave.
6. How To: Gain Access | to enter the server, you must first submit an intro to greetings ; a simple form showing required fields can be found under the 📍untold-etiquette📍 & 📜the-ancients🐘 channels. The server is kept mostly private as a safety precaution for all users here, as well as show who’s truly active vs an account that joined & hasn’t ever interacted, joined but gradually lose interest, bots, trolls, etc.
As for joining in on the RP, you must first locate the three codes/key phrases hidden in the rules. Your hints: there are three (3) in total, and they are addressed with their respective numbers. Afterwards, you may then submit your characters, join in the rp, etc
7. Q&As | If you have questions, please go under the “Resourceful Hollow” category & to the “ 🌱alert-ask-suggest🌾 ” channel. The first code is lost stories. This is where the admins or available mods will help clarify your inquiries to the best of our ability.8. Protecting the Den | When rules are broken, actions will be taken. If you break a rule, are rude, disrespectful, or completely uncooperative with any of the leads/mods if involved in a rule dispute, you may face one of the consequences below. If you feel it’s unfair / unjust, you may request to speak with all of us privately as a group to discuss. However, whatever the final decision is, is final. Further refusal may result in more severe consequences.
↟ Warning | if a rule is violated, depending on severity, you will be given a warning.
↟ Strikes | if the warning is ignored or a more severe issue occurs, you will be given a strike.
1st: This will result in a one week ban from the server.
2nd: If you return & cause more problems, you will be banned for a month.
↟ The Boot: if you break a rule severely, you will be kicked. If you use up your warning, first strike, & second strike, you will be kicked.
9. Activity Expectations | as stated, if four (4) activity checks are missed, if you have been inactive (no comments whatsoever) for 5-6+ months, your application for your character(s) in their respective rosters will be deleted. The rosters are the channels you submit them to. The allegiances are listed on this carrd w/brief descriptions & population counts.
The only exception to this rule is if you notify us of a hiatus; you’ll be excused up to ~6 months. We'll likely remove your oc from the allegiances, but they'll be left in the rosters until the 6 month mark. If you decide to leave the server, it’s OK; we’ll be sad to see you leave but if possible, let a lead/mod know privately / in a gen chat, so we know what to do about your oc(s). This lets us keep things organized, do what you feel comfortable with the oc (how they end up leaving/going MIA), & avoid confusion, etc.
10. Activity Checks | though we don’t expect high activity, we use activity checks to encourage rp, keep allegiances / rosters up to date, & give more time for the admins to add/remove new OCs. We try to have these monthly. We make announcements for them, & forms can be found in 📍untold-etiquette📍 & 📜the-ancients🐘
Note: Mentors & apprentices will need to be a little more active. Though you may discuss each others' activity, we ask you try & be active 2-3 times a week. This is to help avoid re-assigning mentors/paws; if you find your activity dipping & unable to fix this soon, please let a lead & the paw/mentor know. Inactive oc info won’t need to be listed again after the first time! Inactive lists are for if you have an oc between the previous & next check that you no longer wish to have in rp. if you decide to bring them back, they can be re-listed; if the oc isn’t mained, they’d be considered non-claimable NPCs. We also work similarly w/new ocs between checks; you can consider the time between checks as a “probation” to make sure they work for you, as well as if you really wish to rp here if you’re new.
as announcements will notify of upcoming checks, you’ll have 3 days to fill it out. If you miss it, your cat will be removed from the allegiances. Again, you can always re-submit next time.
11. Pings & OOC Chat | we all have life going on outside of the internet. Sometimes we’re not available. Being pinged constantly / more than needed may ward people off entirely. On that same vein, this will conflict with our rule on activity, which is meant to be a bit more relaxed to avoid making it a worry & stressful thing over replying. So, please only ping people you rp with once in your reply, unless they permit being tagged with reminders occasionally.
If you’re starting a new interaction, you may tag roles that could be involved once. (ie @/Outsiders if your cat is an outsider or in the beyond, etc)
Announcements will ping the verified (wildcats) periodically to alert of time shifts & server updates, so these can act as reminders for people, as well.
Please try to keep OOC talk in the respective chat channels! A small comment in the rp channels is ok every now & then, but outside chatter should be kept in the respective channels! This helps keep the story coherent & less to scroll thru in rosters.
12. Vent & Sensistive Subjects | if/when you need to do a little bit of venting: scream-into-the-void is a channel dedicated for this! However—
sensitive topics should be labelled at the beginning with “CW” (content warning) or “TW” (trigger warning) & a short explanation of what if possible. If there is anything triggering, please mark it as a spoiler by including two/double bars | at the start & end. You can hide a few words or the entire paragraph. Vent art is okay, but if it contains triggering imagery, mark it as a spoiler / send it through a link; either way, please write out a TW for it
if it’s less sensitive & more mundane like wow i’m so stressed cuz of work/school/etc or i got into a fight with my friend/family or i just dont feel good lately, etc. you can still vent about it in this channel.
since the channel has & will contain sensitive material, you will ==need a role to be able to view it == – only do so if you’re ok w/reading &/or seeing sensitive material.
remember to stay hydrated, rest when you need to, breathe; some emotions must be felt, & that’s okay. For helpful mental health tools, check the 🥥mental-resources channel! It isn’t by any means the end-all-be-all for help, & if you are in a bad situation, you should call a trusted person, doctor, or therapist – & if it’s dangerous, call the authorities & please wait. You matter, your life matters, please stay strong.
13. Hiatus & Absences | when you need to take an extended time away, this is called a hiatus. we see a hiatus as lasting 3 weeks or more. whether expected / you notice you’re being pulled away from here, we ask that you please alert an admin / mod ASAP. if you can elaborate why, even briefly, or how long to expect you’ll be away, that’d be great but not required. An admin/mod will give you a hiatus role, & any updates can go to the on-hiatus channel
if you are on hiatus for 4-6+ months with little to no interaction, an admin / mod will reach out to see where you’re at on returning. please be honest, we won’t be hurt; if you don’t see yourself returning soon, we’ll remove the wildcat roles (&/or smol cat, big cat), & will delete your applications in the rosters. If you feel you’re ready, you can return; if you need a little more time, we will give you about another month. If you aren’t ready to return then, we will remove the wildcat role(s) & delete roster apps.
please make sure you keep a copy of applications somewhere if you want to return later.
if you’re absent & do not alert us of a hiatus, & you miss four (4) consecutive activity checks, your character applications in the rosters will be deleted. Please keep copies in notes, google docs, deviantArt sta.sh journals, wherever.
this helps us see the true activity of the server more clearly, & help create a more fair setting for those who do checks as asked.
14. Safety First | safety is a priority to us. We have a goal to help make sure everyone is content & feel welcome. if we get reports regarding a person in this server acting harmfully in another server – whether harassing, bullying, stealing art &/or posting without proper credit, etc it can be kickable or ban-able offenses. There are certain actions & words we will not associate with or tolerate – refer to the golden rule. One or more of the admin team may reach out to allow them an opportunity to explain. However, it is ultimately the admins’ decision.15. Crediting Art | The ref base created by the founder is free & can also be used for applications – completed refs can be shared elsewhere, but she (@TheTigerPurr) just asks for proper credit. Smaller adjustments can be made to the lineart (ie scars, physical disabilities, traits currently unavailable; anything else, feel free to ask), you can use something else for a background if you prefer, add accessories, make adopts out of it
Additionally, we want to stress that any art shared should be credited - whether it's a base, something you received, were gifted, got commissioned, etc. If you didn't draw it, make sure you give proper credits to the artist. (and not just "google")
If we find people attempting to loophole around any bit of the requirements, disregarding it entirely, or the like, it will be to the admin team’s discretion of consequences. You may potentially be banned.
16. High Ranks & Staff | for those who play leads, deps, or meds, they are apart of our staff. Leads are also admins; deps/meds are mods. They help maintain the rp, decide plots, help out w/OOC conflict, remind of the rules, & much more. Their main focus is the Clan their oc is leader of & collab w/the other leads on major plots/ideas, so a higher activity would be required.
The ranks under them — those who play deputies & medicine cats — aren’t quite as demanding but still require activity & responsibilities. They help brainstorm plots w/ leads (although leads have overall say), organize, answer questions, & remind of rules if they‘re being forgotten. When admins aren’t around, they’ll be who you can turn to much like mods, though ultimate clarity & decisions again remains with leads.
To help ensure roles are filled by trustworthy, active, & helpful individuals, all new members must wait for a month’s probationary period before they can apply for open high ranks. This is to assess activity, see how rules are comprehended, & how you get on within the server. Following this period, if a spot is open, we’ll hold try-outs, ask some questions, etc
To reiterate again: people who play deps & meds, also function like mods/admin helpers. It’s more than an in-rp role. So consider this carefully before applying.
17. We Want to Improve | We are always open to suggestions for the betterment of the rp/server at any time in the🌱alert-ask-suggest🌾 channel! Consider your time here, & if there’s any additions/improvements you think of, they can be shared. Then, we can as a server look over them.
↟ to “vote” on a concept, you can react to that message with an emoji. (Long press, then tap “add reaction”) The more people react to it, the more likely we’ll consider. However, all suggestions will be reviewed
↟ please understand some ideas may have to be turned away; it may not fit the rp, what’s going on/has already happened, or could disrupt the flow of the actual server.
↟ try to write up suggestions in one message, not in multiple. (If it goes over the character limit, it’s fine)
↟ suggestions can be for anything within the server: the rp, hosting events/games/contests for art/small side prompts/etc, improvements to x, etc. Just try to keep contest ideas related to the rp.
The rules may be amended as required over time. RP rules will be kept in the google doc, while gen rules may be more up-to-date on the discord.


Much of what happened in the Warrior Cats series is true history in Untold. However, it happened at much different timing. Shortly after the battle with BloodClan, the cats' territories were being disrupted and destroyed by two-legs -- so they left. Additionally, there was a dark period in which cats were dying, and even leaders were losing their lives at alarming rates and/or dying themselves. Some speculate this was due to the exhaustion of the journey to the new territories, and along the way most likely caused an outbreak of an unknown illness. Meanwhile, though they were in shambles following the death of Scourge, BloodClan was hanging on to threads with the hope that the heir to the leadership would save them. Though, this didn't quite go the way they originally suspected...

Moon 1-2

Can be read in full on the Past Events google doc.

a new era
moon 3

GATHERING 003RC is reunited w/Nightstar on the way to the gathering, & several cats feel gratitude toward SC for looking after her & treating her wounds. All five clans arrive, most of whom are clearly heavily wounded, & most synopsize that the rogues' attack was much bigger than they knew before. Once all leaders are there, they quickly collect to share a massive announcement.Due to the severity & scope of the attack, & the prophecies the leaders received a moon ago, they declare that they will be merging into colonies:
Shadow & River warriors of the Lagoon Colony
Thunder & Wind warriors of the Storm Colony
Scarlett also announces that BC were approached by 3 strangers, claiming to be SkyClan, sent by StarClan to seek them out, as they had no leader. With the others' announcements, she is reassured enough to determine that they will unify as well:
Blood guardians & Sky warriors of the Sunset Colony.
Prompted by Lost as he references that his leadership had been called into question, he asks to go by Star Loststorm, as a reminder that he still holds the burden of leadership, but that this makes him no better or his actions more excusable over others'. The other leaders do the same - Star Nightrose, Star Lightningshine, Star Weaselfoot, & after confirming she went to the Stardrop Pool & received her 9 lives, Scarlett says she'll keep her birth name but will formally go by Star Blackwidow.Reactions are mixed - mostly apprehensive or discomforted. There are a few elated by the news, others more angered. The clearing is opened for questions & comments, where matters regarding camps & tensions are addressed.



the allegiances

full list of allegiances is on the discord; these are our high ranks

44 MAIN : 23 NPC = 67
45 F : 21 M : 1 NB

Nightrose— a black tabby she-cat with russet undertones, large scars and bluish-green eyes
Loststorm— a dark gray and tan, scarred tom with large spots, few stripes and green eyes
Rosedusk— a sandy, russet ginger shecat with darker stripes and blue eyes
Cinderstorm— a longhaired smoky gray tom with green eyes
Koitail— a petite mostly-white calico she-cat with amber eyes; app: Duskpaw
Honeyclaw— small she cat, golden pelt with black stripes and teal-green eyes

the storm colony
24 MAIN : 7 NPC = 31
23 F : 7 M : 1 NB

Lightningshine— tan muscular tom with stripes, a few dark rosettes, and icy blue-eyes
Weaselfoot— a brown and white tuxedo tom with golden eyes
Willowtail—brown marble she-cat with amber-eyes and a few scars
Honeybadger— a misty grey/black tom with a white neck and golden eyes
Crowshadow (temp)—large dark grey & white tabby tom with scars & amber-eyes; app: Bubblepaw
Scorchscar— a tall, muscular black and burgundy tom with bright amber eyes and scars; app: Ghostpaw

the sunset colony
16 MAIN : 25 NPC = 41
21 F : 20 M

Blackwidow— a tall black she-cat with minimal white marks, a small scar over her face and icy greenish-blue eyes
Midnight— a mostly black she-cat with patches of white stripes and spots with green eyes

14 MAIN : 7 NPC = 21
10 F : 11 M

the leaders / admins

LeadersJoin DateClanAKA
Nightrose, BlackwidowFounderRiver, BloodDalel, Tiger
LoststormFeb 9, 2019ShadowCasey
LightningshineFeb 9, 2019ThunderCore
WeaselfootFeb 10, 2019WindRed

The leaders are also the admins of the server. They collectively brainstorm events, plots, and play the leaders of the clans & some important characters, as well as make sure rules are followed. They're also volunteering their time & dedication, so while they cannot always be around, their help, professionalism, & ideas are essential.

deputies & medics / moderators

Deps/MedsJoin DateClanAKA
Koitail, CinderstormFeb 8, 2019River, ShadowSkoi, Skye
HoneybadgerMay 6, 2019WindRoach
MidnightMay 2, 2020BloodQuiddle
HoneyclawDec 17, 2019ShadowFawn
RoseduskMay 12, 2020RivercXt, Blossom

The high ranks are also some of the moderators of the server. They aid the leads in creating events, plots, ideas, and play the deputies & medics of the clans & also help carry out the setting of events, as well as help make sure rules are followed. They're also volunteering their time & dedication when available. Their assistance, professionalism, & ideas are essential.

click for fuller view

territory map

click for fuller view

tunnels map

click for fuller view

more coming soon